«It’s an absolute revelation; it’s unbelievable», the 75-year-old says.
Wenche Gjertsen (75) began cycling to Motiview’s film library when the equipment was installed at the Prestheia care centre in Kristiansand in January 2015. She visits the day room here three times a week.
After a good breakfast, she gets onto the exercise bike and cycles between ten and fifteen kilometres every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
«I’ve only missed training once, when I wasn’t feeling well. At weekends, I can’t wait for Monday to come around again. I think not training for two days seems like a long time», says vigorous Wenche.
Wenche at Prestheia omsorgssenter
Better breathing and balance
- Now I’ve cycled about 200 kilometres altogether. During the period, I’ve noticed some great changes in my life. I used to fall all the time, every day, at the shop, going up stairs and on completely flat surfaces too.
«In the last few months, I’ve only fallen three times. It’s fantastic,» she says.
- I suffer from COHD too but since I’ve started training my breathing’s also got a lot easier. I’ve gradually reduced and now only use oxygen at night while I’m asleep.
A trip to Bergen
Gjertsen is originally from Bergen but moved to Kristiansand to be closer to her family.

«I travel to Bergen when I’m training and I listen to music and sing along. It’s really nice, although I do get a bit homesick occasionally,» she laughs.
- But I cycle other routes too; I was in Copenhagen the other day.
One thing that Gjertsen thinks is particularly good about the actual cycle is that she can sit in an ordinary chair when she is using it.
- I used to have an ordinary ergometer cycle at home but it was painful to sit on. Now I can sit in a comfortable chair and can almost forget that I’m exercising both my arms and legs.
The woman from Bergen has no plans for stopping cycling – on the contrary.
«This is something everybody should do! I wish that more people could have access to an exercise bike and Motiview. My aim is to manage better on my own and live at home longer,» concludes dedicated sportswoman Wenche Gjertsen.